About Us

Who We are
Bilsea International Pte. Ltd., based in Singapore, was established in the year of 2008, as a trading platform to focus on a range of petroleum derivative products namely asphalt / bitumen, fuel oil, base oil and etc. The company is constantly exploring new avenue of trading and adopting new strategies in order to have a competitive edge and advantage in the ever changing trading community. With the strong dedication, commitment and vision of the management, staff, as well as the support from our valuable clients and business partners, Bilsea International is deemed as a trustworthy trading company in global network.

Vision, Mission and Value
Be the most secured and much preferred professional trading partner within the region
Make Bilsea International the preferred trading partner by consistently delivering excellent value, continuous innovation and exceptional customer's experience
H.I.P.E.C.: Humility, Integrity, Passion, Excellence and Community
A Message from the Director
The COVID-19 pandemic has become not only a test to health care, it has also become a challenge to worldwide business and economies as it approaches its fourth year. More than ever, the energy industry needs support and evolution from all communities. In light of this, we are even more certain to keep acting as a capable, strong and resilient role to rise above these perilous time, as well as to continue our mission to deliver exceptional client’s experience.
As we usher in New Year 2023, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment and trust in us. Please be completely confident that we will continue to strive for excellence in order to serve you and your expanding business. Together, and by association, we shall all prevail.
- Peggy Liu